Who is ?

Oh, i was perfect
For the circus
if she dared me, i do it
Love makes you stupid
i gave it up, But i guess it was not enough
Cause she never seemed satisfied
i Know i'm not perfect
But at the end of the day
Who is ?
she wanted someone thats perfect
Well Okay
But can you tell me Who is ?
(Oohh x2)

she set the bar
Just above the stars
A rocket could'nt reach it
But i still kept on reaching
she watched me try
At least a thousand times
If she loved me, She'd stop me But noo

i Know i'm not perfect
But at the end of the day
Who is ?
she wanted someone thats perfect
Well Okay
But can you tell me Who is ?
I saw something worth my future
So wrong So wrong
In my mind i was all it took
But i guess i wasn't wrong
i Know i'm not perfect
But at the end of the day
Who is ?
she wanted someone thats perfect
Well Okay
But can you tell me Who is ?
(Oohh x2)


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